Telugu music director Shashi Preetam has decided to turn to Bollywood and in a big way, taking up direction, lyrics, story writing etc apart from composing for his new Hindi-Telugu bilingual called Kirkit. There have been lots of movies in the past which tried to capitalize on the cricket craze of the nation but were shown the backdoor within no time at all. Lets hope that fate does not befall Kirkit, though the name doesn’t sound very promising to me. To the review anyways.
The Bad Guys Say
I am hoping that this song is intended for kids. Even in that genre this doesn’t qualify as a great song, with its tame and nursery rhyme-ish lyrics and tune. The first 20 seconds comprise the most attractive segment of this song, showing promises of a good melody before progressing on a totally different track. And to think that Boney M singer Marcia Barrett was brought to sing this!! To borrow Marcia’s own latest album’s name – I don’t know why!!
Aap Jaisa Koi
The start of the song would have you think that this is a remix of the 80s hit. This one is a totally different song though, albeit along similar trance lines. A definite improvement over the previous track, partly due to the singing of Sunidhi Chauhan. A second version of the song is sung by Vasundhara Das with good effect.
Mumbai Vadapaw
After a brief respite Shashi Preetam again belts out another mediocre track, helped to a great extent by the lyrics. Fortunately the song is over in just over two minutes. Usha Uthup is at the receiving end this time, getting her energetic voice wasted on this song.
This time Shashi Preetam himself gets behind the microphone to render this middling ode to college life. The lyrics as usual remain substandard with all sort of youth-associated terms making their appearance. Shashi seems to be obsessed with the term “funda” as the word makes an annoying number of appearances in this song and the previous song put together!!
This one is a decent offering from the composer, sung by the reliable Sunidhi. However the thoroughly amateurish lyrics again become the undoing of Shashi. The rap portion in the interlude especially makes one wince!! If you choose to ignore the lyrics however, you can actually enjoy the song.
Vande Mataram
Shashi Preetam ends the soundtrack on a pleasant note with this song having a mild rock flavour. Shaan as usual does a good job of the singing.
With just a couple of just-about-decent tracks, Shashi Preetam’s grand plan of becoming a composer-lyricist-singer-director-story writer bombs big time. At least it does on the first two, and this in the department where he is supposed to do well!! Lets wait and see how he has fared in the last two. Having said that Shashi did a decent job singing Bindas, though the song was a forgetful affair. I haven’t listened to any of Shashi’s music in Telugu, but this is definitely not what one would expect of a man with 13 years of experience in the industry.