Been wanting to start sharing singles on the site again, preferably with more focus on TV ads since a lot of lovely music gets missed in that area. Found the perfect candidate to start with today morning, this new spiel from OLX (link thanks to @beastoftraal). Almost 4 minutes long, but totally worth the length for the poignant storyline and the way they tie it to the brand. And more importantly, a very fittingly done – almost Udaan-esque sounding – jingle (in fact a proper song, given the duration) by composer Abhishek Arora and lyricist Arko Provo Bose (creative director at Lowe Lintas), and Agnee’s Mohan Kannan for vocals is a splendid choice. Video directed by Vivek Daschaudhary (full credits here). Special props to OLX for including lyrics and music credits in the video description.