Gorgeous shehnai portions rule supreme in Mindaathe even as Balu does a neat job of delivering the breezy melody. Gopi Sunder is deft in seamlessly mixing the quieter vocal segment and the loud interludes – he even manages to incorporate the anthemic theme bit in the second interlude. Starting with a neat adaptation of Carlos Puebla’s Hasta Siempre (thanks to @milliblog for clarifying this), the Che Guevara Song meanders away from Che and towards the composer’s familiar territory. Good job on vocals by Anna Katharine Valayil and Sachin Warrier though, Anna sounds very convincing with her Spanish.
Sachin Warrier Gopi Sunder (thanks to @pulickalvivek for correcting this) sings his heart out in Akale and to very good effect. Beautiful arrangement from Gopi Sunder again, though not without reminding of SEL’s Tanhayee with those subtle hints of rock and Arabic (have a feeling that the raga is vakulaabharanam too). Not taking anything away from the composer’s efforts however, thoroughly engaging song (wonder if it is flamenco guitar or oud in the second interlude). Where the composer delivers a stunner though, is in the anthemic Kaal Kuzhanju. Staying true to the movie’s theme albeit in a contemporary take, the song is another addition to Malayalam’s illustrious lineup of viplavagaanangal (revolutionary songs). Equally commendable is Murali Gopi’s rousing rendition of the Revathi raga-based piece, neatly negotiating the higher notes; fitting lines from Rafeeq Ahamed as well.
Left Right Left. Gopi Sunder delivers another winner for Arun Kumar Aravind-Murali Gopi team, one of his career-best works.
Music Aloud Rating: 8/10
Top Recos: All songs!
Awesome music!