Daily Quiz #60

Question Courtesy: Flightless One

Who is the person talking, and what is the instrument being spoken about? For a bonus pat on the back also ID the blues “wonder” he plays tribute to (in the middle section of the clip). He has in fact collaborated with the bluesman on a 1995 recording.

Answer: Ravikiran talking about the Chitravina perhaps the world’s oldest slide instrument. The bluesman is Taj Mahal. They recorded an album Mumtaz Mahal with Vishwa Mohan Bhatt

Rightly answered by Australopithecus and Nirad. Pat on the back for Rosh for id’ing Taj Mahal. 🙂

sujit says:

Vishwa Veena or Mohanveena..not sure !

sujit says:

Is it Pandit vishwamohan bhatt talking about vishwaveena and Taj mahal..album is Mumtaaz Mahal..
U can chek a quiz in my link section..though it was prepared long time ago..

Nirad Inamdar says:

N. Ravikiran and the Chitraveena instrument (whatever they are)

Nitish says:

Vishwamohan Bhatt – Mohan Veena – Ry Cooder?

Rosh says:

Vishwa Mohan Bhatt is talking about a version of the Mohan Veena. The blues “wonder” is Taj Mahal.

Is it Ravikiran – with his take on the chitraveenai?